Advanced Episode 06 Set


Want to talk about history and art in Serbian? Press play on this advanced podcast episode. 

Follow it with the materials in this set to help you understand and learn every last bit from our conversation.

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Do you know that is the famous place in Belgrade you couldn’t visit between 2003 and 2018?

Let us take you there in this 10-minute conversation in the Serbian language. While discovering Belgrade, you will learn to talk about history, art, and more. 

Many new words and expressions are waiting for you in this episode. 

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How to make the most out of the episode?

The set for this episode contains the transcript of the Serbian conversation from the episode, a vocabulary list, a worksheet, and a listening part. 

The transcript will help you never mishear a word again. Read through the transcript while listening and pay attention to the new words. 

Want to sound like a native? The transcript will also help you notice the intonation when the sentences are pronounced. 

If you find some new words and don’t understand them even after reading the transcript, our vocabulary list comes to the rescue. All the words are arranged in alphabetical order. You can use the ‘search’ option to find words more easily, but remember:

  • verbs are in the infinitive form
  • adjectives are in the masculine and feminine singular form
  • nouns are in the nominative case

This worksheet comes with a slight difference from the ones in the previous episodes. There are two parts:

  • The worksheet with several exercises to practice vocabulary, grammar, and general communication skills.
  • A new part about listening skills: there are questions to help you check your comprehension.

Learn as you go

Take your digital learning materials anywhere you go. All TalkIn’ Serbian materials in this set are screen-friendly.

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episode 06 talkin Serbian learn advanced podcast transcript vocabulary list worksheet set talk about history and art in SerbianAdvanced Episode 06 Set
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